Senate Calls for an End to Age Requirements in Job Ads: Promoting Equal Opportunities for Nigerian Job Seekers


The Nigerian Senate recently made a significant resolution that could have a positive impact on job seekers in the country. They have called on employers to stop using age requirements as a primary factor when hiring employees. This move aims to create equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their age, to access employment. The Senate has urged the government to develop policies that promote fairness and equal treatment in the job market.

Senator Abba Morom, who sponsored the motion, highlighted that age restrictions in job advertisements violate the constitutional right to freedom from discrimination. He emphasized that many qualified individuals face the frustrating situation of being deemed unemployable solely due to their age, even after obtaining advanced degrees or certifications. This not only hinders their personal growth but also contributes to a waste of talent and economic inequalities.

The Senate’s resolution recognizes the challenges faced by Nigerian youths who possess the necessary qualifications and skills but are unfairly excluded from employment opportunities based on age restrictions. It also acknowledges the irony that these individuals can serve in the National Youth Service Corps program at age 30 but are considered unfit for employment afterwards. This discrepancy not only violates their fundamental rights but also forces some people to resort to age fraud in order to meet the age requirements set by employers.

By addressing age-related discrimination in employment, the Senate hopes to create a more inclusive and fair job market in Nigeria. This decision aligns with the principles of equal opportunity, promotes the efficient use of human resources, and contributes to the reduction of poverty. Ultimately, it paves the way for a more just and merit-based system where job seekers are evaluated based on their qualifications and skills, rather than arbitrary age limits.