NDLEA Salary Structure

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency was established by decree No: 48 of 29th December 1989. It was created in response to the rising trend in the demand for and trafficking of Narcotics Drugs and psychotropic substances.

The NDLEA has 14 Directorates, 14 Zonal Command, 111 State area Commands and 10 Special airports ans seaports Commands.


According to Nyscinfo.com NDLEA compensate its staff according to the consolidated paramilitary salaray structure,  which is based entirely on your rank.

Graduates Level 8 Step 1

They earn around N888,956 per Year before deductions, which is roughly N74,000 per Month.

Graduate Leverl 8 Step 2

They earn around N 900,071 per year before deductions, which is roughly 75,000 per month.

HND/NCE Holders Level 7 Step 1

They earn around N483,353 per year, which is 40,279 per month.

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